
Shobo Coker comic

New Masters

New Masters

2019 Creators for Creators Grant recipients, Nigerian brothers SHOBO and SHOF, present NEW MASTERS, a groundbreaking blend of science fiction, adventure, drama, and vibrant Afrofuturism. In a striking vision of West Africa under the thumb of alien colonizers, a motley crew of outcasts find themselves caught up in a power struggle for control of an ancient artifact with immense power. “I had no idea, when we all picked this book for CfC, that, as good as it looked then, it would turn out this BEAUTIFUL. Amazing work!” —Charlie Adlard, THE WALKING DEAD “Shobo and Shof give us an original, beautifully crafted sci-fi with NEW MASTERS. It’s an incredible debut from a distinctly African perspective. Shof’s rhythmic storytelling, palettes, and world building visuals perfectly seam with Shobo’s intriguing cast of heroes, cut throats, and politicians like only brothers can. Immerse yourself in this new world, you won’t regret it!” —Nick Dragotta, EAST OF WEST



What strange secrets lie in the mysterious town of Buckhead, USA? Toba and his mother, a renowned scientist, have just immigrated to the US. But instead of living in the Big City like Toba always dreamed, they've moved to a sleepy little town in the Pacific Northwest called BUCKHEAD. In the middle of the picturesque and pedestrian town, Toba discovers that things aren't as perfect as they seem... Toba and his newfound friends find a strange video game, a perfect replica of the town and its people. Soon Toba is on the run from men in black, with his friends brainwashed by microchips.
