Cancelled Comic Cavalcade

Cancelled Comic Cavalcade

Status: Completed
Author: Mike W. Barr
Artis: Al Milgrom
Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #1, which included a cover of the fallen champions by artist Al Milgrom, a Summer 1978 cover date, and a 10c price tag (despite never being sold), included the unpublished Black Lightning #12 and cover to issue #13; Claw The Unconquered #13 and #14; The Deserter #1; Doorway to Nightmare #6; (Though it later appeared in The Unexpected #190); Firestorm #6 (which later ran as back up stories in the Flash #244 - #246) and the Green Team #2 and #3...
Last updated


List Cancelled Comic Cavalcade's chaps

#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 39.2MB7 years ago
2Issue #2 47.7MB7 years ago

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