Forever Maelstrom

Forever Maelstrom

Status: Completed
A time-jumping ladies' man is reality's only hope in an outlandish miniseries from the creators of AMERICAN CENTURY! His name is Forever Maelstrom. His expertise in world history, honed by traveling through centuries to befriend the world's most historic figures,  may be all that stands between order and anarchy when an evil madman derails time itself! With alternate timelines running roughshod over each other, only Forever and a motley crew of misfits can gather the devices necessary to restoring the world he once knew. But time, as ever, is fleeting...
Last updated


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#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 9.2MB7 years ago
2Issue #2 11MB7 years ago
3Issue #3 11MB7 years ago
4Issue #4 11.1MB7 years ago
5Issue #5 13.8MB7 years ago
6Issue #6 13.5MB7 years ago

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