Heavy Liquid

Heavy Liquid

Status: Completed
Author: Paul Pope
Artis: Paul Pope
7 years later and S has become an addict and is almost a slave to Heavy Liquid, but he doesn't mind. S then receives the Job of a live time. Working for the collecter S must find the one and only famous sculptor "Ronan" who disappeared 6 years ago. But is there more to the story than what first appears? And will it be as easy as it sounds? Definitely not!
Last updated


List Heavy Liquid's chaps

#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 23.5MB7 years ago
2Issue #2 23.1MB7 years ago
3Issue #3 24.7MB7 years ago
4Issue #4 23.5MB7 years ago
5Issue #5 28.6MB7 years ago

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