Magic: The Gathering--Path of Vengeance

Magic: The Gathering--Path of Vengeance

Status: Completed
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Matt Forbeck
Dack Fayden returns to Ravnica! Dack knows that the malevolent Sifa Grent has something sinister planned for the city of Ravnica, but he must uncover her plot while being pursued by Rakdos cultists and Boros soldiers. Not only that, but someone from Dack's past may just put an end to the Planeswalker thief!
Last updated


List Magic: The Gathering--Path of Vengeance's chaps

#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 15.3MB7 years ago
2Issue #2 39MB7 years ago
3Issue #3 17.4MB7 years ago
4Issue #4 34MB7 years ago

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