Wrath of the Spectre
Status: Completed
Author: Peter Sanderson
Artis: Jim Aparo
Russell Carley, a talented artist, was initially responsible for creating the panels from the Spectre script text, and Michael Fleisher wrote the script. Russell Carley was responsible for the innovative panel where Eric, the women’s hair salon stylist from “Anguish of the Spectre,” was cut in half by the Spectre's enlargement of a pair of barber's scissors. Carley worked with Fleisher on Saturday afternoons for a year before he left the comic art profession. Fleisher remained in the field and was the writer for the 1970s Spectre stories. Fleisher sent the fast paced scripts to DC's Joe Orlando, who then forwarded them to Jim Aparo. Aparo did the excellent art work in the Spectre series...
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