Andy Price comic
Based on Adult Swim's hit animated series Metalocalypse, Dark Horse presents its first Dethklok series, after the one-shot crossover with the Goon. Nathan, Pickles, Murderface, Toki, and Skwisgaar are back; rocking out as their fans die! And no one can forget Dr. Rockso, still doing ka-ka-ka-cocaine, ba-baby!
Genre: Horror
From Brendon Small, the man who brought you Dethklok and Metalocalypse, comes a high stakes intergalactic extreme rock comic. Based on his album, Galaktikon, we follow Triton, intergalactic hero of the universe, who will face the ultimate outer space struggle: getting over his divorce.
Dethklok versus The Goon
Now... we have come to make crossovers metal. Be prepared for the most brutal meetings of alls times! Dethklok Versus The Goon!
- Issue # Full (7 years ago)